
Mystery Towns

Vancouver Scavenger Hunt

VANCOUVER SCAVENGER HUNT A Skeleton Scavenger Hunt in Downtown Vancouver A Vancouver scavenger hunt just in time for Halloween! Vancouver Mysteries is hiding tiny skeleton fairies (otherwise known as "scairies") in 10 top secret locations in downtown Vancouver. Each day for 10 days beginning on October 13 Vancouver Mysteries will post a [...]

Outdoor Games

OUTDOOR GAMES WITH PHYSICAL DISTANCING WE'RE BACK, BABY! Vancouver Mysteries games are back starting May 23, 2020. BOOK NOW SAME GAMES, SAME FUN With the exception of special events, our games are all private games. This means if you book a game, you and your friends will [...]

2020-08-28T15:17:59-07:00May 19th, 2020|All, Mystery Towns|

Mystery Towns 1 – Chilliwack!

Mystery Towns A new series on the Mystery Blog, straight from Vancouver Mysteries Headquarters. On no particular schedule, we will be featuring mysterious towns from time to time. Second only to Vancouver Mysteries, we love road trips to mysterious places. Particularly ones that involve Lake Monsters or Sasquatch. Chilliwack You have probably heard of the [...]

2020-01-02T19:00:22-08:00December 9th, 2019|All, Mystery Blog, Mystery Towns|
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